Those who wish to admit their children in this school must buy the prospectus of the school and study in detail the terms and conditions of the admission process and the subsequent code of conduct for the parents and the students to be followed if admission is granted.
The prospectus is available at the reception counter of the school for the parents to buy.
All prospective candidates for any class must get their names registered at the school office. The dates of registration shall be intimated through the principal's circular. No registration shall be made prior to the dates specified. Initially Registration Forms will be disbursed for admission to Kindergarten (Nursery class) along with the prospectus.
Anyone is free to collect the Registration Form from the school office along with the Prospectus within the announced period of time by paying the charges for the Form and the prospectus. Registration Charges, the cost of the Form and prospectus are not refundable.
After having thoroughly studied the terms and conditions inscribed in the prospectus, those who wish to seek admission of their child to this school may fill up the Registration Form and submit it to the office within the specified period of time along with the required preliminary documents and Registration fee. The Registration Fee is not refundable.
The school will examine the Registration Forms, and the eligible applicants as per the terms and conditions mentioned in the registration form will be invited to be present for the drawing of lots, if there are too many applicants on the fray.
Availability of vacant seats to higher classes would be very scarce, as it is very rare that any student leaves the school once taken the admission. Registration date for filling the vacant seats in higher classes may be informed to those who enquire from the school office.
The Nursery Class. Selection will be strictly on merit, subject to the availability of seats in each class. The decision of the school authorities regarding registration and admission will be final. There is no specific syllabus for the Entrance test to any class. However, the criterion is to have the necessary knowledge based on which the students can continue his /her studies as per the ICSE/CBSE/PSEB curriculum and syllabus, in the class to which the admission is sought. The test will be conducted according to the standard of the school, based on the subjects taught in the previous classes.
2. Admission :-
Admission is welcomed mainly to the Nursery class. When there are too many applicants to the Nursery class the school management may adapt a system of drawing lots to maintain maximum impartiality in granting admission. The management reserves its right to determine its own criterion for deciding the management and other quota of seats as the school is an unaided minority educational institution totally exempt from the RTE Act, 2009, and is under the constitutional purview of the minority rights.
i) The Academic year begins in March and ends in February.
ii) Admission to the various classes shall be opened to all irrespective of class, creed or race and as per the availability of seats. However the school Authorities and the Principal reserve the right to refuse admission to a student who in their opinion is not or will not be able to cope up with the studies and syllabus as prescribed by the school or if the student is found to be of poor health or delinquent character which would affect him/her detrimentally during the course of studies, or may affect others in the school in their studies and character formation. In all such cases the decision of the school authorities and the Principal is binding and final. Registration of a child does not guarantee admission, it only means that the child is entitled to appear for an entrance test and interview, after which the school authorities and the Principal will decide whether admission is to be given or not.
iii) Students are usually admitted only at the beginning of the school year. Admission to Nursery is to be taken at the age of three and a half years.
iv) Those who seek admission to classes other than to Nursery Section will have to bring the school leaving certificate from the school previously attended. At the time of the entrance test it would suffice to have a bona fide certificate from the previous school. The Principal is at liberty to assess the knowledge of the student so as to determine the standard most suited to a child after considering the result of the entrance test. Birth certificate from the Municipality/Hospital, duly attested should be produced at the time of admission. If it is found that a false birth certificate has been produced to obtain admission, the candidate will be barred from studying in this institution. Date of birth as shown in the birth certificate once registered cannot be altered on any account.
v) Parents/Guardians are asked to fill up the admission form with the utmost possible accuracy. No subsequent changes will be permitted thereafter for any reason whatsoever.
vi) No student will be admitted, except for the nursery class, without a prior test and interview. The admission procedure will be completed only after submitting the necessary documents and depositing the fees. Failing to do so within the stipulated date and time for availing the admission will result in the cancellation of admission within 3 days, and the seat will be allotted to the next child in the waiting list. Fee once paid will not be refundable. Admission to any class will be solely under the discretion of the Principal.
vii) Due to the limitation of available seats, the school cannot guarantee seats for the siblings of the students already studying in the school.
viii) When there are too many applicants the management may choose to provide admission by a system of drawing lots. There is no guarantee that all those who register the names will get admission; but however the registration fee will not be refunded to those who could not get admission.
4. Withdrawal and Dismissal:
1. No school leaving certificate will be issued without a written application from the parent/guardian after the payment of all dues to the school.
2. Prior to the withdrawal of a student from the school in the middle of a term, a month’s notice or payment of a month’s fee is required.
3. As a rule students who are dismissed from the school will not be re-admitted.
4. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience, bad conduct, involvement in sexual harassment, sexual misconduct with the students of opposite or same gender, or sickness liable to be injurious to himself/herself or contagious to other students, etc. will justify the demand for withdrawal of a student from the school. Children of those parents who regularly make complaints and are not satisfied with the facilities provided by the school management will be given notice to withdraw their ward; if not withdrawn T.C. will be issued along with their progress report of the final exam.
5. Readmission to this school will be banned for those who even if have passed or are promoted academically, but have received “Notice of information” for in-disciplinary behavior in the school, for more than 3 times with a final warning and have not shown any remarkable improvement. They will be issued the T.C. along with their progress report.
6. The Principal’s decision shall be final in all cases of dismissal or withdrawal.
7. A child who uses unfair means or receives or gives assistance in any form for cheating during examination & class-tests will be given zero in the subject and repetition of the same fault will result in dismissal of the student from the school.
5. Procedure for withdrawal:
Students can be withdrawn or removed from school as under:
a) By giving one current month’s notice in writing. In absence of such a notice one month’s fee will be charged.
b) By the school authorities on any one of the following grounds:
1) Constant weakness in studies.
2) Irregularity in attendance.
3) Behavioral Problem.
4) Overage in any class.
5) Non-payment of the fees or chronic irregularity in payment.
6) Moral breach considered serious by the school committee.
7) Students who get married before completing Class X.
8) Those who create any problem for the proper running of the school.
9) Disobedience to the school rules and regulations.
10) Children of parents who create undue demands and vitiate the peaceful atmosphere of the school and cause tension to the management.
6. Leave rules:
1. No leave is granted without prior written application from the parents or guardians and that also only for serious reasons. Parents must not make the children to write the leave application but must write it by themselves (in Punjabi/Hindi/English) in order to have a check on their ward’s sincerity.
2. A student on returning to school after a contagious or infectious disease should produce doctor ’s certificate permitting him to attend regular classes. The school management should not be blamed if due to failure in producing such certificate a student may be barred from entering the class room till the parent comes to the school with the required documents.
3. All students and the staff are expected to attend school on the re-opening day after each of the vacations. Students of Std. VI to X who return late after the holidays will be fined Rs. 20 per day of absence.
4. Those absent because of sickness must present a medical certificate before they are admitted to class. Absence for more than fifteen class days, renders the student liable to be struck off the rolls. Re-admission, if granted, will be done on payment of a re-admission fee of Rs. 5000/-
5. A student who remained absent for an entire term will not be allowed to take re-admission in the same academic year. Such students can appear for an entrance examination in the next year and if cleared in the test can take fresh admission to that class to which the admission is sought, provided that there is vacancy in that class.
6. The school is not permitted to grant long leaves for students to go abroad. A minimum of 75% attendance is mandatory to sit for the term examinations as well as the final examinations.
7. Appointments with doctors, dentists etc. must not be arranged during the school hours.
7. Examination and Promotion:
The School year has three terms: March to May, July to October, November to February.
1). Examination will be held at the end of each term and no student will be allowed to take the examinations earlier or later. Those absent from an examination without a grave cause will be considered as having failed in the particular subject; in case of illness a doctor’s certificate should be produced.
2). Those who absent themselves in any subject shall be considered failed in that subject and shall not be awarded any position, and shall not be re-examined. In case of grave illness, a medical certificate to the effect shall be produced.
3). Regular periodical class-tests will be conducted in addition to the term examinations. Marks obtained in all the tests and term examinations will be taken into consideration for promotion.
4). A pupil shall be eligible to appear in the Final Examination only if he/she has a minimum of 75% of the total attendance. The same may be applicable also for the term examinations.
5). If anyone is found indulging in any malpractice during an examination he/she is liable to be debarred from further examinations.
6) Criteria for a student to pass to the higher class after Final Examination shall be 45% of the aggregate marks obtained by the candidate in all the papers and examinations besides the internal assessment made by the school.
7) The Principal is at liberty to follow strictly the ICSE/CBSE/PSEB promotion scheme for the students, when deciding to promote a student to the higher class. Result declared at the end of the year will be final and will not be reconsidered, nor will the answer paper be shown.
8) A student who fails in two consecutive final examinations in the same class will have to leave the school.
9) As the school is totally exempt from the RTE Act as it is being an Unaided Minority Private school, promotion of all students to higher classes irrespective of the marks obtained for different subjects, (as recommended by the RTE Act,2009) is not applicable to this school. Those who do not obtain the required marks will be detained in the same class; but not for more than two consecutive years in the same class.
9) Those who seek admission in this school will have to accept this scheme of promotion. The decision of the school in the matter of promotion is final and irrevocable.
10) Guardians are requested to examine the home work diary of the students to review each report from the school. It will be helpful in understanding as to why a child has not come up to the expectation. Such issues should be discussed with the subject teachers during the PTM.
11) Promotion to a higher class depends upon:
i) Regularity in attendance.
ii) Regularity and quality of day-to-day participation in the class.
iii) Assessment by the teachers of different subjects.
iv) Written works and projects assigned by the subject’s teachers.
v) Average Marks of the term examinations.